Alpha Program

What is ALPHA?

The Alternative Learning Program for High Achievers is a self-contained class for students for students in grades 3 and 4 who have been identified as having exceptional academic abilities and who need a differentiated academic program.

Where does it meet?

ALPHA is housed at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. Students who live in other district elementary attendance areas are bused from their home school to Booker T. Washington in the morning and returned to their home school at the end of the school day. They ride the bus or walk to and from their home school.

What special programs does it offer?

Students in ALPHA receive a compacted accelerated program covering the basic curriculum in all areas. Each child is given instruction on his/her appropriate level and at a pace designed to best meet individual needs. In addition, special enrichment activities such as projects, field trips, and guest speakers broaden the curriculum to develop the gifted learner’s special abilities.

How are students identified for the district’s special programs?

Students may be nominated for Capital School District’s gifted and talented programs by teachers, administrators, community members, or parents. To request consideration for this program contact the child’s home school or the Capital School District Curriculum Office (302-672-1951) and request a nomination form. All eligible candidates are screened using a multi-criteria matrix approach, and a committee of teachers and administrators who are familiar with the special characteristics and needs of gifted learners make placement decisions.

How can parents or community members get more information?

Parents or community members who need more information about this or other Capital School District program can contact the Curriculum Office or visit any of the District’s schools. 

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